Meet the team
This is the Blickfänger team. Despite our modest head-count, we gratefully take on any challenge you can put in front of us. None too big or too small. Whenever the job requires it, we like to work with freelancers in various disciplines to match the challenge at hand.

Wouter Kooken
Creative director
Wouter loves to talk. Whenever Wouter stops talking, it’s only to pick up his phone and talk some more, perhaps about his love for narrative film-making or movies on art & culture-related subjects, but in the end invariably landing at Stanley Kubrick. Start a conversation with Wouter about - say - Swiss fondue, and just watch how he makes it about Kubrick within 10 seconds or less.
Eefje Dagevos
Art director
Eefje’s impeccable sense of style and eye for detail shine through in her work as well as her wardrobe. Weirdly enough though, she stubbornly refuses to toot her own about it, making her the most a-typical (and likeable) art director you will ever meet. Eefje is also the kind of person who knows exactly what she wants. She wants coffee. No wait, tea. Or… coffee?

Teun van Beers
This editor doesn’t just think out-of-the-box; he lives there, permanently. Pensively stroking his moustache, sipping his stale brown Senseo water, constantly figuring out new ways to make each edit better and more creative than the last one. Should you ever meet Teun at Blickfänger, do yourself a favor and politely decline when he offers you coffee.
Irene Hanenberg
Without Irene, the rest of us wouldn’t know what to do. Literally. She’s the only one who knows what needs to be done to keep our projects on track. So when Irene speaks, we listen. Not just because it’s important but also because of the hilarious sounds she makes to emphasize her points.

Maarten van 't Wout
We all love movies at Blickfänger, but Maarten somehow manages to love them even more. He also loves to edit hour-long interviews back to three minutes without losing any of the substance. Maarten stands out with his calm yet sharp-witted brilliance and his excessive knowledge of history.